


This was inspired the a surprisingly good rosemary shortbread. I’m not a huge biscuit fan but I do love shortbread so I decided to make a few variations. The flavours I went with were rosemary, earl grey and ‘nut and seed’ although I think lavender would also work very well.


  1. 300g plain flour
  2. 200g butter
  3. 100g caster sugar
  4. 2 earl grey teabags
  5. 3 tablespoons finely chopped rosemary
  6. 50g peanuts
  7. 2 tablespoons mixed seeds
  1. Preheat the oven to 150 C.
  2. Rub the plain flour and butter together with your fingers until they resemble breadcrumbs. Mix in the caster sugar using your hands.
  3. I then separated the mixture into three bowls. To one I added the contents of the teabags and to another the rosemary. To the last third add the mixed seeds and unsalted, chopped peanuts.
  4. Mix the ingredients into the biscuit mixture and work together until they make a dough. Roll out to about 1cm thick and cut out circles (or other shapes if you wish!) for your biscuits.
  5. Bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown on top and then allow to cool on a wire rack.
In Other Parts of the World


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